What is antennae ? State its Function .​

Answers 2


An antenna is a metallic structure that captures and/or transmits radio electromagnetic waves.


its function :

The primary function of antennae isthe assessment of the chemical and physical characteristics of the environment.

It is a sensory organ found in Insects.

  • They are sensory organs that assist an insect in seeing and carefully navigating its proper surroundings.
  • Its functions are -
  1. They are extremely intelligent organs resembling a cross among human fingers and noses, allowing insects to comprehend a great deal about their surroundings.
  2. It additionally serves as a nose detecting and processing surrounding odours. This can aid insects in discovering food and avoiding predators.
  3. These are made up of several joints, making them incredibly mobile and flexible.  This implies insects can move it around to perceive items in their environment.

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