Inflammation is a mechanism of the body by which it defends itself against foreign organisms or pathogen. It is mostly seen as a reaction to injury or allergic response and is characterized by redness, swelling, pain and heat.
Answer: Carbon dioxide is formed as a waste product of respiration and hence is not exactly an excretory activity. B) ... D) Removal of ammonia waste in the form of urea (in humans) is called excretion. So the correct answer is 'Giving out carbon dioxide'.
पर्वतीय पर्यटन स्थल या हिल स्टेशन (Hill station) कोई ऐसी बस्ती या क्षेत्र होती है जो आसपास के मैदानी क्षेत्र से अधिक ऊँचाई पर होने के कारण अधिक ठंडा वातावरण रखे और पर्यटन का केन्द्र बना हुआ हो। भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप के कई पहाड़ी भागों में ऐसे हिल स्टेशन स्थापित हैं।
By definition, the 360-report is holistic and multidimensional.
What is a 360-report?
360-report can be described as a report in which a person, especially an employee gets a feedback from everyone around him. The report is anonymous and it is multidimensional as people from all the departments provide feedback in this report.
The 360- report provides a general idea of the performance of an employee and hence is holistic.