It is a disorder of the digestive system. The colour of skin and eyes depend on the levels of bilirubin present. Conditions that can cause jaundice: - Inflammation of the bile duct: Inflammation of bile duct prevents the secretion of bile and removal of bilirubin.
Test cross in plants or in Drosophila involves crossing
a.Between two genotypes with recessive trait
b.Between two F 1 hybrids
c.The F 1 hybrid with a double recessive genotype
d.Between two genotypes with dominant trait
Some of the steps of DNA fingerprinting are given below. Identify the correct sequence from the options given. A . Electrophoresis of DNA fragments B . Hybridisation with DNA probe C . Digestion of DNA by RENs D . Autoradiography E . Blotting of DNA fragments to nitrocellulose membrane
a.C - A - E - B - D
b.A - C - E - D - B
c.C - A - B - E - D
d.A - E - C - B - D