make a poster on cyber safety​

Answers 2


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Cyber safety:

  • Cyber safety, in essence, refers to internet security. Our safety and security are constantly under attack in the internet environment.
  • Naturally, not only as a company but also individually, we want to reduce these risks as much as we can.
  • Cyber security is essential since it guards against theft and destruction of many types of data.
  • Things we should keep in our mind,
  1. Before opening attachments or clicking links, be cautious.
  2. Verify requests for confidential information, safeguard your passwords, and more.
  3. Protect your things!
  4. When it is no longer required, delete sensitive information.
  5. Think Before You Post on the internet.
  6. Use safe browsing practices.
  7. Think Before You Download.
  8. Be mindful of software updates.
  9. Backup Your Personal Information
  10. Upgrade your web browser.
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