The most important thing in our life is satisfaction and happiness. We have seen that people are always running behind the money. Just for getting the materialistic facilities people spoil there present. Many people just thinks about their past and worry about their future. In thinking about past and future they spoil their present. When they are not satisfied in there present situation they always dreams about big things.
In the story The necklace the main character Mathilde was not satisfied with her present condition. She was beautiful and always expected that people should praise her. she wanted to spend her life like the reach people, she always wanted to wear costly ornaments and clothes. she used to saw dream of big mansion with multiple rooms and a lot of servants.
But unfortunately she was got married to a clerk. She feels bad about her condition and whatever she has she doesn't enjoy it.
She is not satisfied with her present condition because she feels that she deserves more. because of her ambitiousness nature she spoils her present happiness.
Who was the end of story we have seen that her condition has been very wretched. She becomes very old and ugly.
Thus, we can say that enjoy whatever you have. Do not spoil your present just thinking about something which you don't have. Because happiness lies in satisfaction.